Trist & Jen Chiappisi

Our Family Blog

It's great to have you visiting our new website!

Please note, this wedding website has become the Chiappisi Family Blog! It will be updated, even though the wedding is over. Keep checking in to watch the updates take place!

Our wedding date was:

September 27th, 2008

Happy Holidays & Fourth Floor Interactive

Well, this is Tristan & my first Christmas as husband and wife as well as in our new house! We're incredibly excited this year as both my brother and his wife and my parents will be coming to our house for festivities this year. Yay for no traveling!!! Check out our Pre-Christmas photos and keep in mind, we should have some excellent photos to put up rather soon of the Christmas loots.

Pre-Christmas Photos

I figured I should also include some updates on some of the major things to happen in our lives, one of which was me being laid off from my previous position. As you know, the economy isn't doing the best as well as the fact that (in my opinion) my previous employer just did not get interactive which added up to letting me and a few more of my colleagues go. Most of my friends had actually already left the company and Trist & I had planned for me to quit and go freelance full-time in March, so it was actually great that it happened. My employer gave me an incredible severance package and so now I have a cushion with which to ease into my freelance business.

If you know of anyone in the need for interactive projects, make sure to check out Fourth Floor Interactive, which is my new freelancing company. Eventually I'd like to turn it into a full business and actually be able to hire employees, but for now this is great.

Tristan, meanwhile, has been working very hard at studying for Microsoft certifications to become a DBA (Database Administrator). They are by far the most difficult Microsoft Certification that you can achieve but I have no doubt that he'll ace them. He's planning on taking the three he needs by early next year, which will definitely make my new business and the decisions about children a lot easier.

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By Jennifer on December 23rd, 2008